My Unitard Dancewear > Unitards > Sleeveless Unitards > Black Sleeveless Boat Neck Unitard
Sale!Black Sleeveless Boat Neck Unitard
Was: £24 – £34
Now: £15
A sleeveless, boat necked, Black Nylon Lycra cycle short length unisex unitard
This is a sleeveless (shoulder straps are about 2cm in width) shiny Black Nylon Lycra unitard (80% Nylon, 20% Lycra) from Arabesque with cycling short length legs
Suitable for dance, drama, cycling, workout or as a basis of a costume (with or without tights) this unisex Nylon Lycra unitard has a multitude of uses.
The cut and fit has been graded for each theoretical size Please order a size lower for a tight fit, or a size higher to allow for growth. Torso girth is measured from one shoulder down the length of the body, through the legs, returning to the same shoulder, but all to one side. Chest and hip are measured at the widest point; the waist being the narrowest point. As a guide, sizes are accurate to within 1" (2.5cm)